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840 total results
Hello and welcome @patriciajean. Your information is very helpful, from your experience with certain medications to...
the neurological condition called Central ... Sensitization Syndrome?
Ive had GI issues for one year now severe gastritis, lots of pain and discomfort, and...
I haven't heard of Central Sensitization
Hi Rachel. Thank you for your response. The clinic is called The Recovery Project in Lansing...
seems very similar to the approach for Central ... Sensitization Syndrome in the video
I got Covid in March 2020 and my life changed. I've battled Long Covid in a...
Fortunately, after 3 1/2 - 4 years, my central ... I now have what my doctors call Central ... Sensitization Syndrome in my torso
Hello and welcome, @anna15. Thank you for coming to Connect to seek support. We're happy to...
odds given the variety of concerning sensations ... step as it does sound related to your central ... under the sun, I was diagnosed with a central ... Sensitization Syndrome which can affect ... Sletten on Central Sensitization Syndrome