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892 total results
Thank You for welcoming me. The 1st 4 months every other week I flew to another...
beach, carpet, concrete driveway, socks ... from accupuncture, physical therapy, eletric
I dont just get them on my sculp but random on my body and electrical shock...
my sculp but random on my body and electrical ... shock and bee sting sensations
@taterjoy Here is a schematic showing the 3 parts with a parts list. You will need...
cover them with heat shrink tubing or electrical ... There is no danger of shock at 6 Volts
Frankly, anything that helps the pins and needles will be tremendously helpful. Thank you so much!...
I get these electric shock like jolts
Note: Acupuncture is recognized by the US NIH, as having proven medical benefits. I get acupuncture....
Acupuncture (with electric stim) is ... I have done compression socks. ... stronger than a regular compression sock