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443 total results
I did acupuncture regularly for neuropathy (my dad has PMR, which is why I follow this...
I did acupuncture regularly for neuropathy
Unfortunately acupuncture did nothing for my back pain or feet neuropathy. I’m still looking for relief
Unfortunately acupuncture did nothing ... for my back pain or feet neuropathy
Gabapentin is a drug for epilepsy. I took it for neuropathy. Gave me brain fog. Careful...
I took it for neuropathy. ... I know others have said acupuncture ... to pain management, and I told them acupuncture
Yes acupuncture has helped me. I have auto-immune Lupus/Sjogrens and have flare ups of wide spread...
Yes acupuncture has helped me. ... and have flare ups of wide spread neuropathy ... nerve damage but I understand that acupuncture ... I like Community Acupuncture which is
Have you considered thinking outside the box? Have you considered acupuncture? NIH even put out treatment...
Have you considered acupuncture? ... specific guidelines for peripheral neuropathy