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2,367 total results
@barbarn Ya gotta remember there are thousands of diseases and disorders and accidents that can and...
accidents that can and do use and control neuropathy ... Even different forms of diabetes 2 have
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Sep 9, 2018
Hi, Susan. Chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy is a real thing, especially if you were given a taxane....
Chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy ... can't see why it would give you neuropathy ... plenty of other things which can cause neuropathy ... , however, including being pre-diabetic ... and diabetic, too much vitamin B6,
Support Group: Breast Cancer
Posted: Sep 8, 2018
Hello everyone, I am new to this group. I am currently in the final stages of...
I am a type 2 diabetic since 1993. ... I've been treated for neuropathy ... They tell me it is caused by diabetes
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Aug 13, 2018