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2,268 total results
@hopeful33250 I agree, it's complex and not easily absorbed. What I did understand is that they...
headway in deciphering the workings of pain ... And that opiods are detrimental in the ... treatment of pain.
Well l would say watch out for hydrogen, oxycodone, ibuprofen and also acteminophen. I have taken...
So now I can't take any of those pain ... continue to take I th because it's an opioid ... The pharmacist said it's not and opioid ... only if nessecary it has to be so painful ... And because of all those pain medicine
Earlier this year I had a scanner laser made up for me emitting about 1000mw in...
I found that the burning pain increased ... similar increase again in burning pain ... The burning pain increased again. ... Meanwhile I had to go back to opioides ... Warm weather means lower pain level
David, Not sure we are talking about the same thing, I have never heard of Symax...
Hydrocodone is an opioid pain killer
I was just approved for medical marijuana here in Florida, and I am so excited! I...
give it a chance before I go to a pain-management ... dentist, so he knows a LOT about TMJ pain ... taking MM, but will brand you as an opioid ... addict if you take pain meds), I have