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840 total results
Hi @jgl15, welcome to Connect. I'm tagging @relientkitten who shared the following link that may be...
This is the link she shared:
Central ... Sensitization Syndrome and the Initial
Hello @mitfit, @212joanie, @californiazebra and all - Welcome to new members joining this conversation. I'm in...
Periodically I post about Central Sensitization ... caused by neuropathy, post-COVID, central ... sensitization syndrome, etc... ... nervous system sensitization. ... Sletten presents on Central Sensitization
Let me validate you first of all. You are not crazy. your symptoms are real. Tremendous...
. "Central Sensitization".
Hi, @dustycat52 , thank you for introducing yourself in this thread. Burning mouth syndrome does not...
able to somewhat relate as I have Central ... Sensitization Syndrome and have odd
@cldmeyers Its almost like a perfect storm. I'm sorry to hear of your troubles and pains....
Central Sensitization seems like a catch