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189 total results
Hi JF, I did try Kevzara autoinject. Had immediate chest pain but really was skin reacting...
Hi JF, I did try Kevzara autoinject ... Tried Kevzara once more and had horrible ... injections of Methotrexate with other side ... effects.
Posted: Nov 1 3:39pm
Hi John, I was also put on Methotrexate for possible RA and PMR. My understanding is...
Because of side effects, I was started ... on Kevzara which also had severe side ... effects…headaches and malaise. ... , I am very concerned GCA might be affecting
Posted: Oct 28 11:23am
I've never had covid to my knowledge due to being extremely careful with precautions and lucky...
traditional protein technology has fewer side ... effects and causes less reactions overall ... recently having added the biologic Kevzara
Has anyone suggested Kevzara since I am sure you have tried many drugs to treat PMR....
Has anyone suggested Kevzara since I ... Both of these drugs have side effects ... I realize that Kevzara has side effects
Posted: Nov 1 10:27am