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48 total results
Welcome @annehouseofdreams, @mhr31 posted earlier in this discussion that they were born with CMT and may...
— CMT=Charcot Marie Tooth Disease ... ... -- (2015) A brief review of recent Charcot-Marie-Tooth
I have Charcot Marie Tooth disease, which is a peripheral neuropathy, and I cannot tolerate gabapentin...
I have Charcot Marie Tooth disease,
I was diagnosed with MGUSand CMT (Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease), which is a rare peripheral neuropathy in 2022...
I was diagnosed with MGUSand CMT (Charcot-Marie-Tooth ... Disease), which is a rare peripheral
I have peripheral neuropathy I didn't know what it was for a long time. Numbness and...
done a DNA test came back that I have Charcot-Marie-Tooth ... disease with missing pmp22 gene along ... This disease is no fun and it's
Hello @mhr31, Welcome to Connect. The weather affects my neuropathy also but I just have the...
-- CMT=Charcot Marie Tooth Disease ...