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2,212 total results
I'm with you. It's been a strange, frustrating, and sometimes depressing experience for me since neuropathic...
depressing experience for me since neuropathic ... didn't know the first thing about neuropathic ... originated in spinal deterioration (not diabetically ... and that it is probably small fiber neuropathy
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Mar 9 8:59pm
Hi, after many years of slightly high blood sugar I am suddenly pre diabetic. My a1c...
high blood sugar I am suddenly pre diabetic ... I was told my neuropathy could only ... be caused by full blown diabetes. ... neurologist this week who told me that neuropathy ... starts before you actually get diabetes
@celia16 You may want to consider researching and taking Alpha Lipoic Acid and Acetyl L Carnitine...
Acetyl L Carnitine supplements for neuropathy ... them when I learned I had small fiber neuropathy ... I am not diagnosed with diabetes but ... my mother had type 2 diabetes and I
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Apr 22 7:02am
Re: managing the condition and little medical treatment "cures," I have 5 siblings. All of us...
Two diabetic, me idiopathic, one had ... that effects her eyes too, but no neuropathy ... I have very terrible instances of neuropathy
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Jan 15 8:36am
Phase 1 and Phase 2 are now complete. Topical WST-057 (Pirenzepine was shown to be safe...
and tolerable when administered to diabetic ... peripheral neuropathy patients for ... , such as chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Jul 2, 2023