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5,401 total results
@upnort You mentioned a lesion on the spine. Is there a physical compression of your spinal...
know that spine issues are tricky to diagnose ... nerves wear out and people develop neuropathy
Support Group: Spine Health
Posted: May 17, 2020
In an earlier post last week, I gave a brief history of my myelopathy journey with...
year and a half later, the original diagnosis ... research of topics related to the spine, neuropathy
Support Group: Spine Health
Posted: May 16, 2020
As if my story wasn't long enough...I wish to add, for anyone who may be in...
anyone who may be in early stages of neuropathy ... Nerve Conduction Study in 2017 and not diagnosed ... As I learned that Small Fiber Neuropathy ... shown in this test, only Large Fiber Neuropathy
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: May 13, 2020
@jamesinsonoma I added some other thoughts to this post for your consideration, in parentheses. I know...
PN is peripheral neuropathy, but could ... be polyneuropathy, AN for autonomic neuropathy ... I was given the diagnosis of PN, but ... My PCP prescribed me the standard neuropathy
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: May 8, 2020