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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
578 total results
I have non-diabetic neuropathy. Pain, numbness, and tingling in legs and feet. I take 60 mg/day...
I have non-diabetic neuropathy. ... I take 60 mg/day of Cymbalta.
I developed neuropathy after my first year in treatment for melanoma (now Stage IV). My neurologist...
I developed neuropathy after my first ... I have also upped my dose of Cymbalta
Someone posted a video somewhere on Mayo Connect that was done in the last couple of...
last couple of years about peripheral neuropathy ... It talked about Cymbalta, and many other
Hello , Thanks for all the discussions. I agree, we can’t find better treatments or a...
Diagnosed with small fiber neuropathy ... about sleep apnea with small fiber neuropathy ... My doctor just prescribed me Cymbalta
Hi My name is Genie. I have Neueopathy in my feet & legs. I am on...
I have Neueopathy in my feet & legs ... 900 mg of Gabapentin & 60 mg of Cymbalta