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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
1,436 total results
Good for me to know as one of my pain doctors recommended a trial of a...
pain doctors recommended a trial of a spinal ... cord stimulator for me.
Sorry to hear that. Have you done trials of the spinal cord stimulator and the morphine...
Have you done trials of the spinal cord ... stimulator and the morphine pain pump
Hi mumsa48!! I have gastroparesis, Crohn`s, SIBO and osteoporosis. I had seven spontaneous vertebral fractures that...
In 2020 they implanted a SCS (spinal ... cord stimulator).
I've had idiopathic peripheral neuropathy for about 20 years now. First drug I used was Gabapentin....
Tylenol and almost constant use of a spinal ... cord stimulator.
@sherwood06 just reading a few of your comments, by any chance are your symptoms mainly on...
ketamine infusions, nerve blocks, a spinal ... brain scans and even trial of a dual spinal ... cord stimulator, nothing helps.