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892 total results
Hi everyone. I am new here. I wanted to share my story and maybe get some...
told is "normal") and I get electric ... shocks in my mid abdomen.
Hello @jmb73 . From the title of your post, it sounds like you have arthritis within...
That works by sending an electric current ... caused was a sharp burning pain with electric ... shocks into my dominant hand because ... sharp edge of the spurs), it sent an electric ... shock down my entire body.
@wilcy My mom had epidural injections in her lower spine that helped her neuropathy in her...
dominant hand as a stabbing burning electric ... I touched my hand or finger, I got electric ... shocks and I could trace the entire
@vivianne777 As both of these links describe, spinal cord compression (stenosis) in the neck can cause...
It can also feel electric shock-like ... symptoms this describes including the electric ... shocks when I bent my neck forward
@drigg97 I'm glad you sent your records to Mayo for review. If you wanted Dr. Fogelson...
previously had caused new pain and burning electric ... shocks in my hand that I had to live