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189 total results
Yes, I have had that hand and wrist pain coincident with PMR, in dominant hand only....
Finger pain was on top side of fingers ... , not on palm side. ... Have been on Kezvara for 4 months now ... mg Pr as of yesterday with no ill effects
Posted: Mar 18 6:41am
I am on Kevzara, a 200 mg injection every 2 weeks. I have now been off...
I am on Kevzara, a 200 mg injection ... No side effects to date for the Kevzara
Posted: Apr 6 3:46pm
I have made it down to 0.5 mg Pred and will be off completely in a...
There is no need for Kevzara and whatever ... side effects it brings. ... OTC meds, that is far better than Kevzara
Posted: Oct 12, 2023
I recently started Kevzara 11/23 I was diagnosed with PMR 7/22 my Pred dose was 20mg...
I recently started Kevzara 11/23 I ... was at 5mg prednisone when starting Kevzara ... No other notable side effects at this