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2,266 total results
@nataliejo and others on this thread, it always works best to take a liquid pain killer....
always works best to take a liquid pain ... wondering why you're all having pain ... Is it stomach pain from the surgery? ... was taking Tramadol 50 mg for back pain ... It's a synthetic opioid so it acts
@matttheschmatt I just googled your question and I found several websites that discuss LDN, here is...
multiple sclerosis, and complex regional pain ... naltrexone’s better-known activity on opioid ... used for the management of chronic pain
@oregongirl Not everyone gets "addicted" to Tramadol. Also, you aren't taking as much as I was....
I was taking, so it wasn't the opioid ... If you will have pain for the rest of ... better without taking it, even my pain ... I am shocked that my pain doctor nor
@contentandwell I was on Gabapentin 350, 2 times a day and trying to up it to...
that both help people withdraw from opioids ... hearing that Marijuana is effective for pain
I have the same. You are the first that has described my pain to a tee....
are the first that has described my pain ... I've been suffering with the pain ... I have a messed spine that I take opioids ... for and they do not touch the pain ... So sorry for your pain.