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553 total results
fiesty76 I need a haircut its falling in my face . A friend here bought a...
My knees are starting to holler at me ... when I walk so wear knee braces . ... do exercise I saw to strength the knee
Thanks everybody who's replied so far! I wanted to share an update, since I figure the...
#39;t wake up with calf cramps, my knees ... of bed by the hair: my heart would race
Thank you so much. This is a lot of information! I copied all the phone numbers...
and am told MRI will not show the knee ... swear they had MRI's on their new knee ... and 2 MUA's.CPM machine and the brace
@contentandwell Sadly it is cold and rainy here and I have no desire to brave the...
rainy here and I have no desire to brave ... That doesn't mean the knee will
Have you tried ice as a therapy for your bursitis? I was to the point where...
bursitis in my hip really bothered my knee ... I even tried a brace for awhile because