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- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
2,201 total results
Good evening, @jazzberry15, Welcome to Connect, where it is possible to meet folks who share your...
Does it accompany numbness? ... Is it in your hands and/or feet?
@jenniferhunter thanks for the response! Yes, I had knee surgery yesterday. There was a band of...
Also have the left hand tingles and ... find the tip of my index finger is numb ... back shoulder blade discomfort and hand ... tingles/tip of the finger numbness
For context it's important to know that this is only the fourth night that I've taken...
experienced virtually no tingling in my hands ... I have never experienced numbness so
@burningfeetinphoenix, @iceblue, And is another person with similar SFN experiences. I started on Cymbalta a...
Do you find that your hands and feet ... have less tingling and numbness?
I was diagnosed with a Grade 1 Chondrosarcoma in my left humerus in May 2009. Because...
sparing" surgery was to save my hand ... limb prosthetics, especially for the hand ... dismissed the pain I was in & as my hand ... cannot raise it to shoulder height, my hand ... is numb & tingling.