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333 total results
Hello I have AA Probably for over 20 years. I am currently fused from C3 thru...
and just have Adhesive Arachnoiditis ... nothing really helps & the DEA. ... pump, since docs can't really help ... & experience, really don't help
Support Group: Spine Health
Posted: Nov 16 8:50am
Mine began in 1972 with possibly an X-ray test with dissipating dye injected directly into suspect...
small metal “clip” marking the place arachnoiditis ... What therapies have you found that help
Support Group: Chronic Pain
Posted: Dec 3 2:35pm
I found out 3 weeks ago after 8+ years of pain , falling , not being...
know of Dr's in this field of arachnoiditis ... I want and need help , I even am trying
Support Group: Spine Health
Posted: Dec 6 10:41am
Hello! I have my second spinal cord stimulator, which was implanted in 2016. It was then...
that I was diagnosed with adhesive arachnoiditis ... I had had an L5/S1 fusion which helped ... I don't know if the arachnoiditis ... With Arachnoiditis, it takes a bunch ... and feet, ask all your docs about arachnoiditis
Support Group: Spine Health
Posted: Sep 25 8:13pm