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- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
10,660 total results
Hopefully, when they do this biopsy, they will check other areas of the prostate that they...
they will check other areas of the prostate ... allows them to check more areas of the prostate
So have the same feeling that maybe there is a scab or a clot that stops...
Don’t know if it is the prostate or
I'm encouraged by your story Phil. Thanks for posting. I'm scheduled for the procedure in early...
I'm 68 and my prostate was last
Well, welcome to the cancer that has no definitive answer as to what to do... You...
recent-abstracts/urologic-oncology/prostate-cancer ... patient-reported-sexual-adaptation-following-prostate-cancer-treatment-an-analysis-of-related-variables-and-sexual-outcomes-associated-with-sexual-adaptation-styles-beyond-the-abstract.html ... ;utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=prostate-cancer-daily ... conference-highlights/suo-2024/suo-2024-prostate-cancer ... ;utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=prostate-cancer-daily
I would not stop the Anastrozole which lowers estrogen and is given to woman at risk...
Have you had radiation for the prostate