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2,202 total results
I developed carpal tunnel in both hands and trigger thumbs after taking letrozole for only 4...
I developed carpal tunnel in both hands ... My hands still go numb, but the thumbs
It is so frustrating, especially since I live 8 miles out in the country from town...
elderly friend of mine (like me)has numb ... feet and he drives with hand controls ... don't think I could relearn with hand
I can almost feel normal. Also, of recent; as I was having itching attacks at night...
My left pinky is also a bit numb. ... When I wake up, often my hands are ... numb up to the elbow but on adjusting
Would your local Dr be able to make a referral to Mayo for you to see...
symptoms are now impacting not only hands ... with numbness and tingling but also ... legs with unsteady walking and my hands ... I also feel coldness in my hands and ... Then last week I started feeling numbness
Don’t beat yourself up over this decision as I think it would have happened anyway even...
Now I have the tingling and numbness ... in my hands since day 2 after that