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293 total results
@joken I have multiple Tarlov cysts as stated a few posts ago, and because they were...
I now have nerve pain, tingling, cold ... feeling, burning hot patches, going ... My right arm is ending up with what ... of permanent nerve damage on top of what ... long hard road but you will find the help
Support Group: Spine Health
Posted: Oct 4, 2019
Just diagnosed with type 2 diabetes last week, but very sick and lost 20 lbs over...
pain and jitters, night sweats, numb tingling ... feet (when they are not hot and burning ... will last until the meds begin to help ... What foods will set best with my tummy ... with the feet burning I think.
Posted: Apr 18, 2019
@jair19 Your doctors might not be thinking about physical issues such as tight fascia and muscles...
I have experienced the burning nerve ... my neck and jaw, it causes fascial tinging ... Thyroid function is complex, and what ... MFR therapy helps a lot of things and ... Core strength has helped me rehab and
I have pretty much conquered the neuropathy problem in my feet and legs that I developed...
share of alcohol caused a numbness and tingling ... It progressed fairly quickly to a burning ... someone help themselves. ... glucose entering my system before I burn ... I need – not what I wanted or liked
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Nov 1, 2019
I will jump into this conversation. My doc put me on 40mg of Lipitor 40 years...
I am 82 and started experiencing tingling ... strength but try a strength that may help ... no neuropathy and others a bit of burning ... but no tingling. ... Hope what I have written helps someone