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- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
10,638 total results
I'm very confident in my set of doctors at an elite center of excellence. Note that...
meeting, is whether the holes in the prostate
Completely respect your view. However, age and co-morbity is a factor here. I shall be 80...
Octogenarians with Intermediate Risk Prostate ... Deprivation for Intermediate-Risk Prostate
Thankyou for the replies! Michael Charles your point about us having specific profiles is well put....
presumption was that it was in the prostate ... the RP and it only showed PC in the prostate
He is 79 Side effects were hot flashes from being on ADT for six months, It...
If it’s truly isolated to the prostate ... age you have many more years before prostate
I laughed at your response! I am 66 and consider myself very healthy. Then I list...
Mohs surgery for Basel cell cancer, prostate