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- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
150 total results
I had been previously dx with POTS and POHS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia and Hypotension). Random heart...
for extended periods over 100 (Apple Watch ... enjoying being able to use my Apple Watch ... was prescribed a very low dose of Estradiol
Background: Age 66, Lipitor for 25 years (advised better to take small dose than not...for insurance)....
Clonazepam as needed, Testosterone, Estradiol ... Stage 2 CKD, monitored every 3 mos, watched
I have both a primary care physician and an endocrinologist. My PCP doesn't have a lot...
endocrinologist and current one bumped my patches ... endocrinologist wants me to stop all estradiol ... for a week, begin 2 patches twice weekly
Did you use a transdermal patch which bypasses the liver and also what was the dosage...
Did you use a transdermal patch which ... and also what was the dosage of the estradiol
I just had my follow up phone appointment with Dr. McCormick. At this point, I have...
CTX score being in the mid 600s, my estradiol ... bioidentical estrogen/progesterone patch