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  • Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
2,217 total results
Hello. I'm Jennifer and I had cervical stenosis because of a ruptured disc and bone spurs...
causing a lot of issues with pain, numbness ... muscles which sends a current between 2 hand
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Sep 18, 2018
I have a lot of health issues do to elemental toxicity poisoning by inhalation while working...
headaches, every type of headache, my hands ... half the time, my legs are completely numb
Support Group: Brain & Nervous System
Posted: Sep 11, 2018
Hi just found this discussion and catching up with reading. I had left knee replaced on...
couldn’t use his jigsaw and had to free hand ... I had a small patch of numbness as predicted ... left side of my knee went totally numb ... approaching 11 weeks post op and still this numbness ... the swelling lump of numb skin even
Support Group: Joint Replacements
Posted: Sep 2, 2018