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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
553 total results
Good morning, my name is Brenda and I had gastric bypass in 8/2/21. I had no...
bit of weight I’ve gain after total knee ... On 12/5, I had a total right knee replacement ... healthy and active life as I try and age gracefully
Well John, I wonder if you have any ideas for me to try. I’ve responded here...
in my left foot and moving up to my knee ... My body feels like I’m racing but not
I'm 64 and had a vertebra fracture in January. I had a severe cough that lasted...
Regarding bracing; My spine doctor ... surgeon at NYU) didn't believe in bracing ... although most spine docs do recommend bracing ... I bend with my knees now to pick up ... that long (I don't have great knees
I had a TAR on March 15 of this year. I am 77 years old and...
I wore a brace instead of a boot, and ... after a couple of weeks, the brace ... did 6 weeks of PT after I had the brace ... , and when the brace was adjusted to ... an easier recovery than the Total Knee
Thank you for replying and telling your story. I also have bone spurs clear down my...
With having two total knee replacements ... They told me I had to wear the neck brace