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  • To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
  • Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
189 total results
Hi~ I am 55, and I have been dealing with PMR for about 9 years. I...
months, but could not tolerate the side ... effects. ... Rheumatologist wants me to start on Kevzara ... 🙄 Has anyone been on Kevzara ... What were your side effects?
Posted: Apr 18 8:49am
I've been on Kevzara since mid-February with no side effects whatsoever. I was very reluctant to...
I've been on Kevzara since mid-February ... with no side effects whatsoever. ... to start because of the potential side ... effects. ... I started Kevzara when I was on 10 mg
I have been on a mostly low dose of prednisone for 3 years. Lots of flare...
I am about to begin Kevzara. ... me off of prednisone because of the side ... effects.
Posted: Aug 23 5:53am