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158 total results
I truly feel for you because I went through the same thing when I was 13...
Palsy (also falls into the category of CMT1A ... Palsy or Charot Marie Tooth Disease (CMT
My mothers family has a five generation history of CMT. I developed those PN symptoms when...
family has a five generation history of CMT ... Sensorimotor Axonal Polyneuropathy, CMT2 ... , CMT4B, and I’m a SMA carrier (entire ... Daughter two has CMT2. ... Daughter three has both CMT2 and CMT4B
Ed - Interesting. My Dad was questionable. He developed severe dementia in his early 60’s. One...
$150 for the testing that is not for CMT
@jula73, Jula .. I am assuming that is your first name .. PLEASE correct me if...
and a neuromuscular disease called CMT ... which can be one of the symptoms of CMT
Neuro issues are frustrating and scary but it could be so many things including something non-life...
had genetic testing for suspected CMT