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1,438 total results
@mathewv I think I can truthfully say that a high percentage of people with pn have...
reduction of 75-80% is a Burst DR spinal ... cord stimulator implant. ... To test its efficacy I turned the stimulator ... step may be a Dorsal Root Ganglion stimulator
I had a lumbar fusion - TLIF = transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion. 3 levels on one...
cyst at L4 ruptured and bled into my spinal ... fluid/cord area. ... Got other opinions and now have a spinal ... cord stimulator which helps a fair
Hi @wilcy I read some of your previous posts. So spinal stenosis caused your neuropathy. Can...
So spinal stenosis caused your neuropathy ... doctors decided on the Medtronic brand spinal ... cord stimulator device?
Hey Jim! Glad to give you some ans. on my stimulator, etc. I have no problem...
Glad to give you some ans. on my stimulator ... I have no problem with the stimulator ... the placement of the leads along my spinal ... cord.
@lioness @rwinney @adamek3638 I've spent long days in the heat all of my life, and never...
My spinal cord stimulator isn't