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578 total results
Good morning I have had two brain surgeries, diagnosed and an ankle replacement. I have tried...
nortriptyline, Lexapro, hydrocodone and Cymbalta ... tell what was due to the small fiber neuropathy ... With the small fiber neuropathy my body
Hi @summertime4, Since this discussion group is specifically about Cymbalta, you would be best to post...
discussion group is specifically about Cymbalta ... best to post this question in the neuropathy ... As I don't have neuropathy, I' ... Here is a list of the general neuropathy ...
Hello @sjhedcon, I see that you are looking for information about Cymbalta. While I don't have...
are looking for information about Cymbalta ... While I don't have neuropathy, I ... , and I've found a low dose of Cymbalta
After using Gabapentin with little relief, Nucynta with great pain relief $700/mo and Cymbalta with memory...
with great pain relief $700/mo and Cymbalta ... arthritis in all joints, and serious neuropathy
I have Experienced small fiber peripheral neuropathy for about 4 yrs with mostly pain in my...
Experienced small fiber peripheral neuropathy ... magnesium along with my gabapentin and cymbalta ... The foundation for peripheral neuropathy