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192 total results
@leezah Thanks so much for explaning more. I understand uncertainty and fear of the unknown when...
neurologist ineveitably determined that my B12 ... deficiency caused Small Fiber Neuropathy ... get to the bottom of why I became deficient
Support Group: Brain & Nervous System
Posted: Feb 6, 2022
@hypotemusea I didn't know how useful that series of posts by the other person would be,...
heard mention genetic testing for neuropathy ... comment that perhaps your dad got neuropathy ... one of them ever mentioned having neuropathy ... getting an injection or having a vit. b12 ... deficiency.
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Oct 10, 2020
That can be a sign of neuropathy. I have that feeling in my legs and I...
That can be a sign of neuropathy. ... I believe it’s because of a severe b- ... 12 deficiency. ... happened to my body post Covid as I have deficiencies ... I am on b-12 shots now and the buzzing