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- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
2,276 total results
@sharonmay7 too - If I did not have opioids for my small fiber neuropathy, I would...
sharonmay7 too - If I did not have opioids ... So, please do not try to get opioids ... I have been told I will be in pain for ... chooses parts of my body that will be in pain
You would have to test the meds orally before knowing how they will work. Dilaudid is...
fog that comes with high doses of opioids ... cannot fix, if you are going to be in pain
I have a tortuous colon and have had motility problems for 24 years. for years I...
fractures, I've been on regular opioids ... consequently I found myself suffering from opioid ... My pain dr prescribes one of the PAMORA
@anne905 Remember that people come to this site for one of two reasons, either they are...
after surgery, non of the overwhelming pain ... I did not take the opioid based drugs
I'm 71, and 2 years ago had a complete reverse-shoulder replacement. I told my doc I...
I told my doc I wouldn't take opioids ... No pain for the entire recovery just