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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
2,216 total results
I had my second Lupton shot in June 2023 and shortly after develop problems with back...
after that having problems with both hands ... with numbness in 2 middle fingers on ... of hand.
John, I have a question for you. Facebook has this video running and of course are...
My numbness in my hands and feet are
Hi, @johnbishop and @survivor102021, My P.T. has been treating my peripheral neuropathy with laser for about...
get much worse, also affecting my hands ... feet and I remember that it eased the numbness ... feet plus I have greater use of my hands ... treatments which include both feet and hands ... I'm not free of pain, numbness,
Hi, Ray, I recently had a visit with my Physical Therapist where he massaged my feet....
Like you, I have numbness and tingling ... He used his bare hands for the massage ... either use gloves or be sure to wash my hands
I woke up one morning with a numb achy hand and thought I’d slept on it...
I woke up one morning with a numb achy ... hand and thought I’d slept on it funny ... hour or so but the next morning both hands ... were numb and achy. ... where my ankles felt fused and my hands