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2,275 total results
If you have ruled out things like broken bones, diabetes, cancer, etc. and you are still...
cancer, etc. and you are still in pain ... 24 hours a day you will likely need opioid ... When pain is under control you can then ... Getting the pain under control is the ... Uncontrolled pain can cause stroke,
Medical marijuana has given me an almost pain free life after years of doctors putting me...
Medical marijuana has given me an almost pain ... after years of doctors putting me on opioids ... When I get that sharp pain in my leg ... or shoulder, I rub it in and the pain
I recommend that you try CBD (hemp only) to see if it works for you. If...
As people have mentioned here, pain ... medical doctors will not prescribe opioids ... because of the Federal regulations on opioid ... another component that helps with pain ... I have nerve pain from the back stuff
My daughter is 40, and suffers from CRPS - complex regional pain syndrome. Took her a...
suffers from CRPS - complex regional pain ... getting worse and she lives in constant pain ... yes the only meds available are the opiods ... country BUT everyone has different pain
Hi, I have posted about my injuries before. I've been a chronic pain patient for many...
I've been a chronic pain patient for ... He does not prescribe pain pills, he ... injuries are still there, but the chronic opioid's ... if I would feel better off of the opioid ... Although I wasn't withdrawing from the opioids