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980 total results
I also think the flu vaccine is responsible for my PMR symptoms, and I am heartened...
flu vaccine is responsible for my PMR ... A week later, I started to have PMR ... symptoms, which I blamed on a new exercise ... at a time — although the test for PMR
Hey John, thanks for sharing and thank you to the others doing the same, greatly appreciated!...
more to help all of you dealing with PMR ... took blood & diagnosed me with PMR ... keeping active and getting lots of exercise ... I also do exercises every couple of ... to learn from others diagnosed with PMR
Hi, I wanted to join this conversation because I am very sure the Afluria Flu shot...
Afluria Flu shot caused a case of PMR ... though I knew I as in good shape (daily exerciser ... My doctor hesitated to say it was PMR
Hello @dsmith337, Welcome to Connect. You are mostly correct from what I've read. I was 64...
was 64 when my first occurrence of PMR ... "Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR ... I think diet and exercise play a big ... you are a daily exerciser. ... Do you mind sharing what type of exercises