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1,596 total results
Judy, hang in there. My neuropathy started about 6 years ago. Some of it is caused...
My neuropathy started about 6 years ... can benefit
I am presently taking supplements
Hi @falon -- I take Seeking Health Active B12 Lozenge with L-5 MTHF as part of...
Lozenge with L-5 MTHF as part of my supplements ... to help my peripheral neuropathy.
I have had muscle cramps too, so bad I can't sleep. I asked my neurologist. She...
Restless Leg Syndrome' in addition to Neuropathy ... Oxide (not any other kind of iron supplement
@srey, I take a protocol of supplements that I found on a closed Facedbook group. I...
@srey, I take a protocol of supplements ... anyone-here-dealing-with-peripheral-neuropathy ... nerves which in turn can cause forms of neuropathy
@lindachakra before I met with a neurologist and was diagnosed with idiopathic small fiber peripheral neuropathy...
idiopathic small fiber peripheral neuropathy ... Besides the supplements I take which ... Groups > Neuropathy > Myofascial Release