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2,213 total results
The right breast is the one that did not work. It was a tiny 4 mm....
from having the underarm surgeries - hands ... My 4th and 5th fingers on both hands ... are the worst, I am right-handed. ... from surgery, I was flinging both hands ... around and immediately noticed the numbness
I went to a specialist for Dupuytren's. I have had many surgeries to keep my hands...
have had many surgeries to keep my hands ... doing things and my finger is going numb ... of other issues and it is my right hand ... So I don't care, it is going numb
Thyroid dysfunction doesn't cause fainting, neither do iron or Mg deficiency. If Hb is too low...
deficiency will cause leg cramps or Numbness ... or tingling in the legs or hands.
@dadcue can you make a contribution? @lmz i copied DadCue because he has had PMR for...
Do you never have hand weakness? ... thought it was carpal tunnel because my hands ... were numb and painful and so weak I
I have had several nerve conduction and muscle testing done. On my legs for lumbar surgery,...
for lumbar surgery, on my arms and hands ... and neck to assess numbness in my hands