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1,443 total results
@jfsherley Hi Again! A TENS unit is NOT planted right under the skin. As I previously...
What Jannix59 is talking about is a SPINAL ... STIMULATOR. ... A spinal stimulator IS placed right ... /11fc1c11e17b9d717e159f7348cb103f--spinal-cord-stimulator-implant.jpg
Hello @tiger4250 -- Welcome to Connect. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate...
I have no experience with a spinal cord ... pain stimulator but I'm tagging ... several members have discussed the stimulators
David, I saw Dr Amir Lerman Rochester. I was unable to have bypass surgery so Dr...
bypass surgery so Dr recommended a Spinal ... Cord Stimulator for the pain.
Right now, the pain that I'm dealing with is peripheral neuropathy pain in my feet. I...
I had a spinal cord stimulator implant
@mstephen The neurologist did tests recently and noted both small fiber peripheral neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy....
really bad a year ago, so I had a spinal ... cord stimulator implant in June of