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- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
945 total results
I started taking D3 and D2 along with gabapentin (600 mg) and alpha lipoic acid after...
along with gabapentin (600 mg) and alpha ... lipoic acid after my chemo made my
My pain doctor recommended 200 mg of alpha lipoic acid three times a day for the...
pain doctor recommended 200 mg of alpha ... lipoic acid three times a day for the
I started Vit D3 and K2 not long ago. That was recommended by my chemo nurse....
Before that I started Alpha Lipoic acid
I think the alpha lipoic acid has helped. I was told to try L-Carnitine also, but...
I think the alpha lipoic acid has helped
@greenacres Hi again, I buy Bestvite Benfotiamine 300mg. on Amazon. I take 2 pills a day,...
Also, I take Alpha Lipoic Acid in the ... form on NA R-Alpha Lipoic Acid from ... Lipoic Acid, that I thought it could ... Lipoic Acid to be best absorbed. ... Lipoic Acid.