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  • Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
10,344 total results
I too was on TRT since 2008 but my PSA did not rise in over 5...
taken due to the size of my 120-gram prostate ... and two were 3-4 and the rest of the prostate
Support Group: Prostate Cancer
Posted: Oct 2, 2023
Thanks for information. I did not have surgery. Mainly age 76 and heart failure, so was...
My cancer was limited to prostrate, ... that procedure do they remove all of prostrate
Support Group: Prostate Cancer
Posted: Oct 1, 2023
Hello, it sounds like you have been pretty thorough in your research. After monitoring my rising...
rising PSA levels, having a subsequent Prostate ... MRI followed by a Prostate Biopsy my ... Prostate Cancer had already surpassed
Support Group: Prostate Cancer
Posted: Oct 1, 2023