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10,432 total results
Upcoming PSA Test - Suspend or Continue Taking my Tamsulosin?
as a better predictor of potential prostate
Beware the siren song of the greedy urologist.
while to get up to speed on everything prostate ... negative, I put any concerns about prostate ... to explain how random biopsy’s miss prostate ... doesn’t have any real experience with prostate
"why don’t we get cancer in our 20’s or 30’s when T is highest?" Because the...
the testosterone doesn't cause prostate ... men (under 45) almost never develop prostate
I do not think it is greed, it may be trust. I opted for a HIFU...
Gleason 7 tumor on one side of my prostate ... likely to follow up is removing the prostate
On a positive note, I do personally know 2 guys who had NS RARP, one 14...
Hey caryg1955 and others - Sounds like I am in a similar place as you and...
given family history of aggressive prostate
"So, if T is bad, why was it six years before my PCa returned?" OK, let's...
Think of testosterone as kerosene and prostate ... years, there weren't any sparks of prostate