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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
578 total results
A friend has been recently using Cymbalta to treat years of neuropathy, and for the first...
A friend has been recently using Cymbalta ... to treat years of neuropathy, and for
Welcome is wonderful to make your acquaintance this evening. How did you stay away from...
has SFPN (small fiber peripheral neuropathy ... The difference is that he has no neuropathic ... pain or neuropathic itch......just ... informed about what is going on in the neuropathy ... remember why your doctor prescribed Cymbalta
Is it better then Gabapentin and Cymbalta? Mine is not diabetic neuropathy.
Is it better then Gabapentin and Cymbalta ... Mine is not diabetic neuropathy.
Do you have horrible neuropathy? I’m on Cymbalta and Gabapentin but the horrible pain is still...
Do you have horrible neuropathy? ... I’m on Cymbalta and Gabapentin but the
I take 100 mg of lyrica 3x/day and 30 mg of cymbalta 1x/day. I have not...
100 mg of lyrica 3x/day and 30 mg of cymbalta ... and I was quite uncomfortable with neuropathy