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10,409 total results
@jaydub Absolutely. The biopsies are needed to definetely remove the prostrate samples and get a pathology...
are needed to definetely remove the prostrate
@marlow2 One question. Did Jim have the Decipher test done? If so he should have that...
not have proton radiation to treat prostrate
So glad you are working with a center of excellence and looks like you are approximately...
procedure will absolutely guarantee the prostate ... the cancer has been contained to the prostate ... Also, when the prostate, seminal vesicles ... invasive procedures for addressing prostate ... goes well for you addressing your prostate
We saw the radiologist at Mayo this morning. My husband is set up for a urological...
surgery to place a spacer between the prostate ... also set up for another MRI of the prostate ... skeletol structure just outside the prostate
Just received my biopsy results today, 23 cores 6 had 70% cancer, Gleason 4+3=7 3 cores...
Gleason 3+4=7 and 14 cores benign prostate