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902 total results
I too read that book "How Not to Die" by M. Gregor, MD. and also get...
promote/sell anything except evidence based ... lifetime of the standard American diet ... transitioned to eating whole foods, plant ... based as much as possible.
Support Group: Breast Cancer
Posted: Oct 16, 2019
Yes, I had Covid in July 2022. In six months Post Covid I gained 60 pounds...
gained 60 pounds with no change in my diet ... Based on the bloodwork results I’ve ... I can still wear the same skirts, pants
Lots of plant based foods all my life of eight decades seems to have had saved...
Lots of plant based foods all my life ... hope the First line of Treatment is diet ... morning for me) basically healthy diet
Support Group: Chronic Pain
Posted: Jan 14 4:02pm
At the Mayo Clinic conference on Healthy Lifestyles last year, a topic of discussion and area...
was the Alkaline Diet. ... often discussed the Mediterranean Diet ... as one of the best health promoting diets ... saturated fat (animal products), high in plant ... based foods with an emphasis on fresh
Posted: May 5, 2016
Hello @maggieflorida, I can understand your husband's post-surgery concerns. I'd like to invite @kim1965 to this...
I'm guessing that the eating plan ... well-meaning friends bring me salads, cream-based ... after my surgery, however, the broth-based ... Basically, a low residue diet is very