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2,263 total results
I live in central Oregon, @fighter . The only city is Bend. My neurologist sent a...
that his first words will be "opioids ... don't treat pain."
I think the medical providers are running scared from the government enforcers who don't understand that...
enforcers who don't understand that pain ... users of opioids are not addicts buying ... people who are desperate about their pain
It's been a long time since posting to this group. I just started following a few...
started following a few of the emails on Opioids ... Pain is pain, and we shouldn't have ... of exertion causing extreme burning pain ... it takes to set off that cascading pain ... I spend many of my entire days, in pain
Remember euphoria only occurs IF the pain relief is met and the Opioid is exceeding it....
Remember euphoria only occurs IF the pain ... relief is met and the Opioid is exceeding ... Opioids are NOT something to be afraid ... of as a pain therapy. ... Whether you can or can’t take opioids
@jimhd Not many options for sciatica. I saw a neurosurgeon who said surgery would help but...
I saw another pain dr and because of ... can’t prescribe benzodiazepines with opioids ... In the over 4 years I’ve taken a pain ... I don’t think a pain pump is an option