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848 total results
Though not strictly alternative, I have been following an anti-imflammatory diet for the good part of...
I am also taking vitamins and supplements ... Vitamin C, D3, Omega 3, magnesium, B6 ... , B12.
I have been experiencing neuropathy-like symptoms for almost 6 months, although my EMG and physical exams...
neuropathy-like symptoms for almost 6 ... My neurologist said it can take 6-12 ... 12 injections to get the vitamin into ... They feel that with oral supplements Vitamin ... complex and a multi-vitamin).
You have referenced NIH in your post. Here is an NIH reference article on B6.
Here is an NIH reference article on B6 ...
Sue, it is a work in progress, but I’m moving forward daily. I switch things up,...
recently stopped ALL added sugar (6 ... I take vitamins, but not crazy amounts ... I definitely take B12, a good multi,
I'm on Emgality for 3 months. It takes about 6 months to work fully. I still...
It takes about 6 months to work fully ... neurologist tried:
Symbalta (30mg per day)
Vitamin ... B-2 (400mg per day) & Magnesium ... #39;t tell significant benefits from Vitamin ... B-2 & Magnesium or nuts.