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839 total results
I hadn't noticed this discussion until today. I had an emergency mega toxic colon surgery, removed...
I have idiopathic peripheral neuropathy ... , both small fiber and autonomic, which ... reduced the pain in my feet, but the neuropathy
Hi @jersey, I wasn't sure who you meant for your message but if it was me...
My small fiber peripheral neuropathy ... getting worse until it affect the autonomic
@JustinMcClanahan, thanks for the welcome. Regarding the IVIG treatment, I'm just trying to educate myself. Starting...
cardiologist referred me to a very good autonomic ... have finally received a diagnosis of neuropathic
Sorry to hear a story so similar to mine. While doing an internship in Chemical Dependence...
developed fibromyalgia in the 80's and autonomic ... peripheral neuropathy in the 00's.
I also have autonomic/peripheral neuropathy caused by chemotherapy in 2006. It has progressively gotten worse during...
I also have autonomic/peripheral neuropathy