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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
1,446 total results
Thank you for your honest feedback. I am willing to try anything if it helps keep...
couple of weeks to talk about the spinal ... cord stimulation trial and my gabapentin
Usually a pain pump is recommended when all conservative measures, i.e, pain meds. PT, etc. have...
over the past few years and had a spinal ... cord stimulator implanted.
I had asked my pain specialist if drinking alcohol could have been the beginning of the...
Still considering Spinal Cord Stimulation
Hello and welcome, @carriestacey. I'm glad you have relief from your injection. Was it a diagnostic?...
Peripheral Nerve Stimulators ... /
Has anyone tried the HF10 Spinal ... ... /
Has anyone tried spinal cord stimulation ... /
Hello @dixiedoo2000, Welcome to Connect. Thanks for sharing your experience with the Nevro spinal cord stimulator....
sharing your experience with the Nevro spinal ... cord stimulator.