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838 total results
Thank you Ginger for your answer. When I was at Hospital on the 28th July I...
neuropathy was probably causing these sensations ... network that sends signals between the central ... types of sensory information to the central
Support Group: Kidney & Bladder
Posted: Aug 27, 2023
I’m going to try my best to explain my experience and hope it doesn’t get too...
She called it sensitization if the central ... legs, headaches, dizziness, light sensitivity
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Jul 29, 2023
I’m sorry this is happening. It’s so frustrating to have what sounds like a flare after...
different inflammatory arthritis and central ... sensitivity syndrome. ... LDN would improve my pain and pain sensitivity ... bad enough though and my dad is so sensitive
Discussion: Tapering angst
Posted: Jul 28, 2023