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- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
892 total results
I have had electric shocks in my body for years they sometimes throw me backwards. The...
I have had electric shocks in my body
No ... I didn't gut it out! I had the support of doctors who understood the...
100 mg of Prednisone to quell the electric ... shocks to my face at a rate of one ... jolt of electricity per minute. ... Those electric shocks were caused by
I’m sorry you’re having to deal with all these issues. It’s so frustrating to be so...
The part about electric shocks.
kidwithshocks @braedenl2202: I have had electric shocks twice. The first time happened after being discharged from...
kidwithshocks @braedenl2202: I have had electric ... shocks twice. ... addict feels when in need of a fix, the shocks ... It was bad enough having frequent shocks
Sorry you have this pain. You have had CTscans, MRIs and xrays but have they taken...
like their haveing hot flashes with electric ... shocks.
CRPS Question: Itching
I now also get muscle spasms, and electrical ... shocks through out my entire body,
Have you considered treating seizures with D-Leucine and L-Leucine?
researchers induced seizures with an electric ... shock, animals pretreated with either ... developing seizures at notably higher electric
Evenity worked for me: Why I chose medication for osteoporosis
I was shocked to see that my lumbar ... I elected to start with Evenity.
Undiagnosed Autoimmune with back pain, spasms, and stiffness
It felt like a bolt of electricity down ... Then I started having electric like ... shocks in the left side of my face this
3 1/2 years of chronic pain~ Still looking for solutions~please help
(shocks and electrical impulses run