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- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
10,409 total results
What can I expect after radical prostatectomy surgery?
The 4+3 sample is prostatic adenocarcinoma
How much short term disability to seek for robotic prostatectomy?
bulge and spread on both sides of prostate ... is in to many locations throughout prostate
Surgeon Says My Nerves Will Be Spared. Good News I Hope!
cancer 9 years ago and now an advanced prostate ... but two and particularly advanced prostate
Looking for exercise suggestions prior to robotic prostatectomy.
I recently got my prostate biopsy results
My husband was diagnosed in October 2023 with stage IIIB MIBC. It had spread to his...
It had spread to his prostate and lymph ... cistplatin and then removal of bladder, prostate
I believe it is highly under reported! I feel like my doctor got one over on...
surgery other than having constant prostate
I replied to joe1. I have been on Dutasteride for almost 5 years . One of...
Dutasteride reduces the size of your prostate
twhite33 First , with your Gleason scores , I would not be dashing out and getting...
Infection , BPH ( Your prostate increases
Thank you for the detailed updates and congrats on getting through what I hope is the...
Passing ablated prostate tissue sounds ... fact that any treatment that leaves prostate